The streambed restoration project on Clear Creek is nearly complete. As mentioned in previous entries, this enormous project was designed to improve wetlands and to increase both flows and water quality on the 25% of Clear Creek that flows through Woodson Ranch. It happens that this 25% (2.8 miles) was assessed as the worst stretch of Clear Creek by the Natural Resources Conservation Service a few years back.
The streambed work began in December 2020 and the workers, R.E. Miller & Sons, were able to work through the most difficult weather conditions throughout the winter. Now, at the beginning of April, they are smoothing out the rough spots, filling in the gravel borrow pits, and preparing to head on to their next project.
In the end, Woodson Ranch gained a net of about 1/2 mile additional stream-length, and the appearance of the stream system is a lot better from a fisherman’s perspective. Gentle meanders, deep pools, stepped riffles, and a huge quantity of cut willows augment the appearance. Additionally, the removal of fish barriers at the lower end should greatly increase access to spawning trout.
If you’d like a tour of the project, just let us know!