Birding On Woodson Ranch

Sandhill Cranes, Yellow-headed Blackbirds, Cinnamon Teal, Kildeer, Northern Harriers, Bald Eagles…these are just a few of the birds that come to enjoy the habitat created by Woodson Ranch. The diverse waterways, woodsy areas, marshy fens and open pastures provide ample food and cover for over 100 documented species of birds.

Tree Swallow

We welcome visitors to come and spot species of interest, or just to walk and view the amazing diversity. We have designated the West side of the river as a walking & hiking area for bird and wildlife watchers. Contact us to get a Permissive Use Document allowing you to have access.  We simply keep the document on file so we have a record of who is coming and going on the ranch.  Note that the ranch is not open during the big-game hunting season for safety reasons.

If you are unable to visit the ranch but want to experience some of the birding opportunities we have available, we invite you to listen to this recording. This recording was made in April of 2015 next to one of our wetlands at precisely 5 in the morning. The striking diversity of squawks, honks, twitters and tweets is so thick with the sounds of multiple species that it is difficult to parse out the number of types of birds on the recording.

Eagle 2
Bald Eagle

So check out our list of birds confirmed on the property, and help us get a complete list. Or, better yet, come and visit; watch and listen. Stay in our fully-furnished ON-SITE Lodging. We think you’ll be amazed at the variety and quantity of birds who call Woodson Ranch home at various times of the year.


  1. American coot
  2. American crow
  3. American dipper
  4. American goldfinch
  5. American kestral
  6. American robin
  7. American white pelican
  8. American widgeon
  9. Audubon’s warbler
  10. Bald eagle
  11. Bank swallow
  12. Barn swallow
  13. Barrow’s Goldeneye
  14. Belted kingfisher
  15. Black-billed magpie
  16. Black-capped chickadee
  17. Black-headed grosbeak
  18. Black-necked stilt
  19. Blue jay
  20. Blue-winged teal
  21. Bobolink
  22. Brewer’s blackbird
  23. Brewer’s sparrow
  24. Brown-headed cowbird
  25. Bullocks oriole
  26. California gull
  27. Calliope hummingbird
  28. Canada goose
  29. Cassin’s finch
  30. Cedar waxwing
  31. Chipping sparrow
  32. Cinnamon teal
  33. Cliff swallow
  34. Common goldeneye
  35. Common grackle
  36. Common merganser
  37. Common nighthawk
  38. Common raven
  39. Common redpoll
  40. Common yellowthroat
  41. Cooper’s hawk
  42. Cordilleran flycatcher
  43. Cormorant
  44. Downey woodpecker
  45. Dusky flycatcher
  46. Dusky grouse
  47. Eastern kingbird
  48. Eurasian-collared Dove
  49. European starling
  50. Evening grosbeak
  51. Gadwall
  52. Golden eagle
  53. Gray catbird
  54. Gray partridge (huns)
  55. Great blue heron
  56. Great horned owl
  57. Greater yellowlegs
  58. Green-winged teal
  59. Hairy woodpecker
  60. Hermit thrush
  61. Hooded merganser
  62. Horned lark
  63. House finch
  64. House wren
  65. Killdeer
  66. Lazuli bunting
  67. Least flycatcher
  68. Lewis’s woodpecker
  69. Lincoln’s sparrow
  70. Long-billed curlew
  71. Long-billed dowitcher
  72. Long-eared owl
  73. MacGillivray’s warbler
  74. Magpie
  75. Mallard
  76. Marsh wren
  77. Merlin
  78. Mountain bluebird
  79. Mountain chickadee
  80. Mourning dove
  81. Northern flicker
  82. Northern goshawk
  83. Northern harrier
  84. Northern pintail
  85. Northern rough-winged swallow
  86. Northern saw-whet owl
  87. Northern shoveler
  88. Northern shrike
  89. Olive-sided flycatcher
  90. Orange-crowned warbler
  91. Oregon Junco
  92. Osprey
  93. Pied-billed grebe
  94. Pine siskin
  95. Red-naped sapsucker
  96. Red-tailed hawk
  97. Red-winged blackbird
  98. Ring-necked pheasant
  99. Rock pigeon
  100. Rough-legged hawk
  101. Ruby crowned kinglet
  102. Sandhill crane
  103. Savannah sparrow
  104. Short-eared owl
  105. Snow goose
  106. Solitary sandpiper
  107. Song sparrow
  108. Sora
  109. Spotted sandpiper
  110. Swainson’s hawk
  111. Swainson’s thrush
  112. Townsend solitaire
  113. Tree swallow
  114. Trumpeter swan
  115. Tundra swan
  116. Turkey vulture
  117. Veery
  118. Vesper’s sparrow
  119. Violet green swallow
  120. Virginia rail
  121. Warbling vireo
  122. Western bluebird
  123. Western kingbird
  124. Western meadowlark
  125. Western tanager
  126. Western wood-pewee
  127. White-crowned sparrow
  128. White-faced Ibis
  129. Wild turkey
  130. Willow flycatcher
  131. Wilson’s phalarope
  132. Wilson’s snipe
  133. Wilson’s warbler
  134. Yellow-rumped warbler
  135. Yellow warbler
  136. Yellow-headed blackbird

Come out and help us identify more!  You could stay at our Hill House, a fully furnished home available for rent right on the ranch.