In the winter of 2002, Craig and Martha Woodson began a quest for a partner to help them keep the Woodson Ranch intact and carry on their passion for agricultural sustainability and resource accountability. In the summer of that year, they arranged a meeting with The Montana Land Reliance. The rest, as they say, is history.
The mission of The Montana Land Reliance (MLR) is to partner with landowners to provide permanent protection for private lands that are significant for agricultural production, forest resources, fish and wildlife habitat, and open space.
The immediate accomplishments of MLR’s conservation work are measured in miles of streambanks and acres of land and habitat protected. The lasting benefits of MLR’s work are the perpetuation of a lifestyle and an economy that rely on responsibly managed private land and increasingly valuable Montana open spaces that will continue to nourish the spirit of future generations.
The legal structure of the partnership is that the Ruby Habitat Foundation is a 509(a)(3) tax-exempt support organization to the Montana Land Reliance, a 501(c)(3) corporation.
Click here to learn more about The Montana Land Reliance.


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