The Ruby Valley Christmas Bird Count took place January 5, 2019 and here are the results of all 4 years so far.

Results of Christmas Bird Counts On
Woodson Ranch, 2015-2018
Bird Species2015201620172018
American Coot12003
American Crow420130
American Dipper0120
American Kestrel1000
American Robin40186
American Tree Sparrow7070
American Widgeon0032
Bald Eagle 181817
Belted Kingfisher3122
Black-billed Magpie74422970
Black-capped Chickadee51878
Bohemian Waxwing26555000
Canada Goose34578185559
Common Goldeneye2535826
Common Merganser21314
Common Raven1162387
Downy Woodpecker2001
Eurasian Collared-Dove6000
European Starling0508
Golden Eagle 2670
Gray Partridge5002
Great Blue Heron2102
Great Horned Owl0010
Green-winged Teal00021
Hairy Woodpecker1010
Hooded Merganser1204
Horned Lark130000
House Sparrow2000010
Marsh Wren0001
Northern Flicker20110
Northern Goshawk2210
Northern Harrier2616
Northern Shrike4100
Pie-billed Grebe0001
Prairie Falcon1000
Red-tailed Hawk9056
Ring-necked Duck500826
Ring-necked Pheasant16411633
Rock Pigeon24081489
Rough-legged Hawk1217113
Song Sparrow10834
Townsend’s Solitaire0137
Trumpeter Swan20522
Virginia Rail0001
Wild Turkey9681932